Pony Express
I went to my E.N.T. Dr. thinking I had a sinus infection, she said “No, you have L.P.R. “ she handed me a pamphlet.
One of the symptoms was loss of high end of the vocal range, and prolonged vocal warm-up.
I saw the list of foods and liquids to avoid, it reminded me of the “Pony Express” which is what my then boyfriend in the piece used to order. Now I understood why. It consisted of oatmeal or cereal, bananas, milk, bagel and juice. Bland, no fried, no acid. That’s where the title “Pony Express goes to the opera” comes from. We also had season tickets to the L.A. Opera.
Technical Details
- Camera: iPhone 7
- Taken: July 19, 2020
- Focal length: 3mm
- Aperture: f/1
- Exposure: 1/93 second
- ISO: 25